Some well-known results

6 years agoopen6

These continued fractions are part of the automatically-found results, and are equivalent to a known result on e. They appear in the PDF file (not in the paper) given on the website.

I have attached the PDF of the proof, and also have given the Google Drive link of the same. Any suggestions and/or comments are welcome.

Google Drive link:

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  1. Hi everyone. So, I observe that the proof can be seen only by copy-pasting the Drive link on your web browser.

    As before, comments are very much welcome.

  2. Hi guys, Rohan here once again.

    I’ve a new update: The conjecture #6 from PDF 1 of the e conjectures can easily seen to be reduced to the continued fraction of e that I’ve provided in my PDF, namely from Section-14 of Dr. Ron Knott’s webpage on continued fractions.

  3. Hi Rohan,
    Nice to see you posting these proofs! As far as I can see you have not found proofs to all the conjectures, while Prof. Frank Calegari claimed in his blog post that nothing discovered is surprising to Gauss. He gave the hint that some are specializations to a known formula, but it’s unclear whether it covers all conjectures in the PDFs. Maybe you could check if it’s the case!

    1. Correct. We are looking into that and asking more experts in the field. If you spot more identities that could be proven by them please let the community know by posting them here. Thank you.

  4. Your conjectures in the PDF are not enumerated?! Put all conjectures for PI on one website, enumerate them and mark them as in the paper as known, new, without proof, date of machine discovery, name of algorithm, name of discoverer, name of proofer,… . Add also a possiblilty to comment for each conjectures directly there. Also add filters to them (e.g. only show unprooven ones).

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